Evolution of Sports Performance Training

TrueFitness is revolutionizing Sports Performance training to train athletes like athletes. We involve the movement of sport to improve athleticism and build better athletes. Life is a sport, be your best.

Monday, November 7, 2011

3 things you must do to be a successful trainer

People think that because they like to workout that they can therefore be a successful personal trainer.  Well with that logic because I like to eat I can become a great chef and because I like to play sports I am destined to be great at sports and in the pros in no time. That logic seems kind of silly now doesn't it?  However, there are 3 things that every personal trainer must do in order to be successful in the fitness world.  

They are the 3 do's

1. CARE! Do care more about your client's goals and results than your own.  When a client's goals become your first priority then you are on your way to becoming a successful personal trainer. Your goals and your workout routine are secondary to the goals of your client and training your client the same as you train because it works for you actually hinders them from achieving their goals.  Remember, when they pay you money for your time, your time becomes theirs and you must give it your all to ensure the investment and time on their behalf is worth the investment and time.  Do this by caring about their goals and becoming invested in their success and do your research and homework.  Know the best ways to help them achieve their goals and not just the methods you used to achieve your goals.

2. SELL! Selling is a little known but highly valuable skill for a personal trainer.  We need to able to sell fitness and close deals to grow a personal training and fitness business.  And let's face it, even working for a large gym it is still our responsibility as trainers to run our own fitness business, our personal training schedule.  We need to be comfortable selling to clients and convincing them that we are the right answer to help them reach their goals and with our help they will reach their goals.  We need to SELL the fact that personal training is a valuable expenditure and the surest way to ensure fitness success and the achieving of goals.

3. Be a coach to our clients. We are more coach than trainer.  Think about a coach in your life who helped to get the best out of you.  They motivated, pushed, cajoled and tore into when needed.  A personal trainer is someone who writes workouts but we need to be so much more than a fitness programmer.  We need to push our clients, listen to our clients, motivate and counsel our clients.  All of these sound more like the role of a coach than personal trainer which is exactly what we as personal trainers should be striving to become, a coach!

Above you read about the three things you must do to be a successful personal trainer.  If you do these things you will improve your bottom line and your fitness business making you a successful personal trainer


  1. Hi there, nice post and a good source of information. It really shows that you're an expert i this field. I'm looking for some tips on how effective a group fitness training in this site. Anyways, thanks for sharing and keep it up!

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