Evolution of Sports Performance Training

TrueFitness is revolutionizing Sports Performance training to train athletes like athletes. We involve the movement of sport to improve athleticism and build better athletes. Life is a sport, be your best.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Train Quick to be Quick

The title of this blog post is the perfect way to describe how we train at TrueFitness. We are about performance and want to make you better. Better at sports, better at life, better at moving, better at performing and in the end and lastly better at looking good. How we go about accomplishing this is through quick movements. The human body was not meant to work slow and controlled and performance, whether in sport or life, is not slow and controlled. Life is quick. Sport is quick. Uncontrolled organized chaos is a perfect explanation for life and sport and we want to and will make you better at life and sport. We believe in the philosophy of train quick to be quick and apply it to everything we do. If you can move quickly and still maintain body control and coordination then you are more athletic and set up for improvement in your performance. Training slow will not help to improve your athleticism and will not transfer to the playing field. The quickness you learn to develop with training quickly will transfer to your performance. So if you train quick you can become quick and quick wins.


  1. I couldn't say it better myself. Training should be about preparing for real world or real sport conditions.

  2. Exactly. Training is not about the size of your arms and the beauty of your six pack. I want to move better, play better and win more often. Bodybuilding is fine for some but not most people. Most people want to be better at the activities of their daily life and unless their life is spent flexing in front of a mirror then they need to train differently.

  3. Even with that said, training quickly and effectively will still give you an aesthetically pleasing body. By using more than one muscle group you will be burning more calories than you would by sitting on a machine, and your core will be engaged in every movement that you do. This is not just a slogan for athletes, but for everyone!
