Evolution of Sports Performance Training

TrueFitness is revolutionizing Sports Performance training to train athletes like athletes. We involve the movement of sport to improve athleticism and build better athletes. Life is a sport, be your best.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heads Phone In and Tune Out

Working out has become too much of a singular activity for too many people and I think that needs to change for the betterment of fitness and progress. Too many people go to the gym and never talk to anyone. They put on their headphones and tune out the rest of the world. This is actually slowing the progress of gains for most people. The gym should not be a place to tune out the world but instead should be a place for everyone to approach it with the attitude that we are all here to help each other get better. T.E.A.M.- Together Everyone Achieves More is a better way to approach the set up of a gym and a workout. When there is competition, camaraderie and friendship the gains come quicker and the enjoyment is increased. When everyone supports one another then a positive environment is created and this help with the overall enjoyment and atmosphere of the gym. A healthy supportive gym will produce greater gains and increase member retention. It will also increase member accountability and frequency of attendance. When we have a healthy support structure then we are more likely to continue with our healthy pursuit and when everyone approaches a gym as a TEAM then we increase this likelihood. A gym should not be a place to tune out from the rest of the world but instead should be a place where like minded, health minded and fitness fanatics come together to make a better healthier world and promote friendship and healthy lifestyles. Its time we start to promote a TEAM approach to the fitness model. Stop allowing the gym to be a place of ego, self obsession and detachment. Promote a team and family and watch how the gains and enjoyment of your team increases.


  1. I think most of us have been guilty of this at one time or another. I used to use the gym as an escape, and it was effective as an escape, but I never really got to focus on my workouts the way I could have. Thinking about it now, the best workouts came on days that I was upset because I forgot my tunes...

    I have to agree with your description of a TEAM approach. Ever since adopting this type of training environment, I've seen great gains in my performance and subsequent improvements in my body composition.

  2. I have to agree with Spencer. Some of my most memorable training moments in my lifting career have been during socially engaging moments with the people I'm training with - regardless if they're doing the same workout with me or not.

    A simple word of encouragement, a nod, greeting - for crying out loud let's even assume EYE CONTACT. Too many of us are staying plugged into our electronics 24/7 instead of developing human relationships. Matrix anyone???

    Not to count the many times I've seen head phone wires and iPods being ripped from a person during a quick lift to also make a good point...
