Evolution of Sports Performance Training

TrueFitness is revolutionizing Sports Performance training to train athletes like athletes. We involve the movement of sport to improve athleticism and build better athletes. Life is a sport, be your best.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dispelling the Myths

I'm tired of the belief that having big muscles and 6 pack abs are the defintion of the best personal trainer. Shouldn't the best trainer be defined as the one who has to work hard just like you to try to achieve their own personal level of optimal health. Being blessed with genetics or willing to cheat with illegal source are two definitive reasons why the "model" of health may not be the best trainer. Understanding your situation and working with you as the individual makes a trainer the best trainer. And that means for you and you only. Your trainer should work with you to help you achieve your goals. Not what helped them reach their goals. If yourt trainer doesnt listen to your input then how can that be the best trainer for YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Your gift of genetics does not mean you have the brain to apply intelligence to a sound and smart training program
